From our cabin window we saw beautiful sunsets and sunrises while traveling the open seas.

Here's Bergen the first town we visited. We boarded buses for an all day "Norway in a Nutshell" excursion (which we highly recommend).

While traveling with our very insightful guide, Bert, we were in awe of the lush green countryside, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and tunnels. We passed through 36 tunnels and one of them was 7 miles long (hard on people that get claustrophobic). The Norwegians sure know how to build tunnels. The ground is so rock hard that they don't even have to reinforce the tunnels with concrete.

We made a short stop in a village along the way and saw this lovely church made out of rock.

We saw so many amazing waterfalls in just one day!

Here's some of the fun people we got to travel with--O.J. and Vickie.

While riding on the bus, we went from the top of this mountain to the valley below on very narrow roads with hair pin turns. Sometimes when the bus came close to the edge of the road, I had to close my eyes.

Along the way we stopped for an authentic Norwegian lunch at a hotel. They served many kinds of fish, salad, and breads.

Beautiful hand carved wood on display at the hotel.

Another gorgeous waterfall. Norway gets more than 90% of its energy from hydropower from their waterfalls.

Norway is known for their many trolls. We bumped into this one holding the flag of Norway.

A great train ride through beautiful mountains and waterfalls.

Here's one of those steep roads with hair pin turns that follows a river. I was glad to be riding on a train and not on that road on a bus.

At this waterfall there were "mermaids" dancing on the rocks to music trying to lure the male tourists towards them. I am happy to report that none of the men we were traveling with succumbed to their charms.

Sometimes jet lag got the best of us and we had to take a little siesta.

Another friend we made along the way at the train stop.

The next photos are of downtown Bergen, within walking distance of the ship.