While Blaine and Marissa were on a week long Alaskan cruise with her family, our granddaughter, Mylee, stayed with us. Now you probably think that we spoiled our sweet granddaughter and gave her everything she wanted, but, oh no, we kept her on a pretty tight schedule. It's amazing what an 18 month old can do when she is at her Gram and Granddad's.

First thing in the morning Mylee was up weightlifting.

Then she spent time on the treadmill thinking about her busy day.

After the treadmill, it was time to hit the stairs and work on her calf muscles.

Next thing, Mylee made sure she ate her daily dose of blueberries because she knows how nutritious they are.

After eating her blueberries and getting cleaned up, Mylee and Howard took care of preparing tasty whole wheat pancakes for the family.

After breakfast, it was time to unload the dishwasher and load up the dirty dishes.

Mylee found it challenging to find a place for all of the clean dishes but she was able to put them all away.

After finishing the dishes, it was time for Mylee to check the newspaper ads and see what was on sale at her favorite stores.

When Mylee finished reading the ads, she liked to keep up with the local and national news and would discuss each topic carefully with her Gram and Aunt Aubrey. She would also keep a box of graham crackers close by so she could take time out to keep Benson happy with intermittent doses of them.

After the newspaper was put away, Mylee would take our horse "Broomstick" out for his daily run.

After sweeping up from the horse and putting him up for the day, Mylee would head back inside the house to check her e-mail. She wondered when Royce would get his act together and send her an e-mail.

Then it was time to head into the kitchen and sweep the floor.

After sweeping, it was time to head downstairs to the rocking chair to read and relax and enjoy some quiet time.

After Mylee finished her reading time, she would head outside for some fresh air and to tend the garden. When all the weeds were pulled and the flowers watered, Mylee would head back inside for her daily English language tutoring from her Auntie Aubrey, where she learned important words like "yo" and "sup".